(1 customer review)


Hints of Waylon Jennings and Johnny Cash, a melodically and harmonically rich and lyrically poetic journey that both mourns death and celebrates life.

#4 on Top 50 Country Song Chart Roots Music Report (RMR) – September 9, 2014

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Name Artist Time
My Mind's Eye
I can hear the church bells ringing,
I can hear the bagpipes cry
When I hear the church bells ringing I
can see you in the sky
I go ah, ah, ah...
I go ah, ah, ah...
I can feel your arms reach out for me when I turn out the light
I can feel your arms reach out for me from across the other side
And I go ah, ah, ah...
And I can see you in the sky...
I can see you in my mind’s eye... And I can see you in the sky...
I can see you in my mind’s eye... I am drowning in the water
all bottled up inside I
’m beginning to lose your memory from across the other side
And I go ah, ah, ah...
And I can see you in the sky...
I can see you in my mind’s eye... And I can see you in my mind’s eye and I can see you in my mind’s eye I can hear the church bells ringing
I can hear the bagpipes cry
when I hear the church bells ringing I can see you in the sky
And I go ah, ah, ah...
And I can see you in the sky...
I can see you in my mind’s eye... And I can see you in the sky...
I can see you in my mind’s eye... And I can see you in my minds eye and I can see you in my mind’s eye
Nick Binkley 01:26
The Visiting
Poem by Franz Wright (A. Knopf) Music by Nick Binkley
I suffer from insomnia, from loneliness I sleep; in the midst of the talk and the laughter
all at once you are there
Hour of waking up
and writhing with humiliation, or
of wishes answered before
one was aware of what they were. And let me ask you this:
the dead, where aren’t they?
Hour when the ones who can’t rest go to bed, and the ones who can’t wake go to work
Dark blue morning glory
I reach to touch, there is another world
and it is this world.
Then the light streamed in yellow
and blue through long windows,
and blood turned to wine in my veins.
Tears of wine rode down my cheek.
It’s happening, I thought
it had never happened before.
I squeezed my eyes closed,
gazing into into a darkness of light.
The more you tried to hold back,
the more sweetly and irresistibly it arrived. Then the light streamed in yellow.....
I suffer from insomnia, from loneliness I sleep; in the midst of the talk and the laughter
all at once you are there
Nick Binkley 03:15
Hundred Parts of Heart
I can hold you in the palm of my hand
I can hold you in my eyes
but I can’t hold you in my heart, sweet love,
‘til my heart comes back to life
I’m scattered all across the floor
ike Humpty Dumpty’s shell
and I can’t seem to get me back together again time will only tell
Got a hole in my soul
got a hole in my life;
I can’t start no new loving
with a hundred parts of heart. I can’t begin to love again with a hundred parts of heart. Shakyamuni Buddha.
Lord Jesus on Calvary hill
I can’t tell if it’s light or dark
pray tell if I ever will
I’m down upon my knees
picking up my broken heart
One. Two. Three.
Forty-four pieces time I guess I start
Got a hole in my soul.....
A hundred parts or heart
scattered all across the floor
when all of a sudden in a flash of light
you were standing in the door
I couldn’t quite believe my eyes.
I must be dreaming, “Are you really there?
Back from across the river Styx
answer to my prayers?
You’re holding out your hand
for all that I can see
there’s a hundred parts of my broken heart
you’re handing back to me
The night that you died, I died a little too;
My heart broke into a hundred parts
not just in two.
Got a hole in my soul.....A hundred parts of heart.
Nick Binkley 03:37
Too Many Memories
I remember this town, with a girl by my side and a love seldom found, in this day and time
and it gets melancholy every now and again when you let your mind go t drifts way back when Too many memories f
or one heart to hold once a future so bright
now seems so empty and cold shadows grow long
and your eyes look so old
when there’s too many memories for one heart to hold
There are those memories
and they just never fade
like the look in your eyes
and the way the light played and God moved in that moment And the angels all cried
and she left you a memory
you’ll have ’til you die
Too many memories for one heart to hold ..... Life plays its tricks
some cruel and unfair
and even a fool can’t pretend
they don’t care
and the lesson you learn
and you don’t dare forget
what makes you grow old
is replacing hope with regret
Too many memories for one heart to hold.....
Nick Binkley 03:58
Rosalee, Rosalee
I can feel you looking down upon me... Rosalee
I can feel my heart pounding
I can tell you are near
I can feel your breath on me
I can tell you are there
Rosalee, Rosalee
I can feel you looking down upon me... Rosalee
I dreamt you were near me
I could feel you so close
and you wrapped your arms around me then I awoke all alone
Rosalee, Rosalee
And I held you tight as you closed your eyes and I kissed your lips as your breath ran out
and I covered your mouth with my last dying wish just to hold you tight
and to breathe you in and to hold your life
and to dance with you
and to sing with you
one last time
Rosalee, Rosalee.....Rosalee, Rosalee... I can feel you looking down upon me... Rosalee
Nick Binkley 03:56
Learning How to Live
I’m learning how to live without you in my life I’m learning how to live without you in my life I’ll take the best
of what you had to give I’ll make the most
of what you left me with I’m learning how to live They say the best
still yet to come
but the taste of you
is still on my tongue
I can’t forget,
and I won’t even try
to erase your image
and the way you made me cry I’m learning how to live -
All I have left
is this dime store ring
but I wouldn’t trade it
for anything
the days ahead
will never be the same
for you I might’ve even changed my name
I’m learning how to live
I’m learning how to live without you in my life I’m learning how to live without you in my life I’m learning how to live. I’m learning how to live.
Nick Binkley 04:22
Love You Forever
I’ll love you forever,
forever ’til the end of time
I’ll love you forever,
now you’re forever on my mind
I’ll love you forever
not just until death do us part
I’ll love you forever,
now you’re forever in my heart
I’’ll fall upon my knees,
sing hosannas to the sky
without the sky
the stars would cry
I’ll love you forever
with all my heart
Love you forever
not just ‘till death do us part
Where you’ve gone,
I cannot tell
but what you see is me
staring through the flames of Hell
If the Lord has any mercy
let his ever-loving light shine on you
I pray Dan Ba Lama brings your soul
home to me when he’s through
I’ll fall upon my knees, sing hosannas to the sky... “No family secrets,”
you always liked to say
the irony of it rings
like a bell all through my head
so I climbed up on the mountain
to turn that prayer wheel again
and raise up your soul
to the place it began
I’ll fall upon my knees, sing hosannas to the sky...
I dreamt I was awake
but when I woke I found that I’d been asleep
I dreamt I met your soul there
now forever your soul I shall keep
I’ll love you forever,
now I wonder what forever really means?
So I sat by a bubbling stream,
forever means “through everything”
So I sat by a bubbling stream,
forever means “through everything”
I’ll fall upon my knees, sing hosannas to the sky... I loved you forever from the very start
I’ll love you forever with all my heart
with all my heart
all my heart.....
Nick Binkley 03:58
Love You So Easily (Baby Blue)
I dared to love you as you loved me I dared to swim the cold, cold sea
I dared the sun set in the east
I dared to love so faithfully
I loved you so easily...
I saw the future through your eyes
I lived a life time in my disguise
I’d never known to be afraid
It’d had never rained on my parade
I loved you so easily...
Baby Blue, Baby Blue
The transmigration of souls
or heaven’s gate
The setting of the stone beside the pond where I’ll dream of you and the great beyond I loved you so easily...
I loved you so easily... So easily...
Baby Blue, Baby Blue
I felt a hand upon my heart
quench the flame that lit my life
and callout my name
and you sang a song as you flew away
I heard it clear as a bell you said,
“I’ll love you ’til we meet again”
Baby Blue, Baby Blue
So I’ll put another log upon the fire
I’ll close my eyes and I’ll dream awhile I’ll dance with you among the stars and we’ll play our song on my guitar
I loved you so easily...
loved you so easily... So easily
Baby Blue, Baby Blue
Nick Binkley 04:15
Angels of September
It’s the Fourth of July down by the river
I woke up this morning I’ll forever remember
It’s the Fourth of July down by the river
brimstone and fire
lit up the blue morning sky
It’s the Fourth of July
in September and forever
I woke up this morning, I’ll forever remember Freedom burns brighter
the eagle’s in flight
It’s the Fourth of July in September and forever
It’s the Fourth of July in September forever
It’s morning in America
it’s mourning in America
’s morning in America!
And forever we’ll remember the Angels of September In our American hearts, we’ll remember forever. Amen
Nick Binkley 02:52
River Wilde
Down upon my knees, kneeling down in prayer for dear life,
praying to be free of this busy world, of this busy life
down upon my knees, begging to be free Standing at the counter,
counting out my change
“Change is for the better,” they say,
but I’m begging just to please, please, please set me free
of this busy world
down upon my knees begging to be free Bring me some water from the river wide I think I can see now to the other side bring me some water, a ray of hope
sing to me softly as I walk home
There’s a ringing in my ears, so easy to forget fathers are also sons, no simple arithmetic there’s a thirsting on my lips,
there’s an aching in my heart
bright light on the horizon,
been there from the start
Bring me some water...
Knowing when to die, like a firefly
blinking off-and-on
on a summer’s night
knowing when to die, like a skipping stone
at the water’s edge, slipping out of sight
Bring me some water from the river wide... He’s got the whole world in his hands
he’s got blood on his brow
there’s a bright light on the horizon
I think I see him now
Bring me some water from the river wide...
Nick Binkley 05:17
I Will Follow You
I will follow you
through the green field of our dreams
I will follow you
along the high meadow streams
I will follow you, I will follow you
And you’ll call to me
Like a bird song on the wing
and you’ll call to me
through the golden aspen leaves
and you’ll call to me
And I will follow you
and I’ll still dream dreams of our faraway youth and I’ll paint rainbows of my life with you
in colors true
I will follow you...I will follow you...
to the pristine mountain lakes
I will follow you
down the trails where we raced
I will follow you... I will follow you...
And I’ll still dream dreams of our faraway youth... and you’ll call to me your blond hair in the breeze and you’ll call to me your body pure and free
and you’ll call to me and I will follow you
and I will follow you
Nick Binkley 03:18
Just In Time
She just stands there talking quietly to herself replaying the ups and downs of a lifetime standing on the shoulder of the road
a hitchhiker with her thumb out in the night Searching her heart to remember
the choices in love she had made
praying a set of headlights would surrender
or a hitchhiker alone in the rain
Just in time... just in time... just in time...
She’s got three kids and a man who adores her
but Papa John got sick and died last spring
now Marijane just can’t seem to get over it
and her brother lost his job again
Then out of an open door she heard “Where you headed?” “I’m headed to my hopes and life’s dream”
“I’m going in the same direction, let’s get started.”
And the headlights played a rainbow in the rain...
Just in time...
And she’s standing in the midst of fading memories
trying to read the signs she left so far behind
she can’t even remember how or when
she left the well traveled road
and struck out on her own...
Just in time
And the desert road stretched on forever
covered in a mist and full moon
with all the hopes and the dreams of a lifetime
reflected in her eyes,
she turned home...
reflected in her eyes,
she turned home...
Nick Binkley 05:08
Love You Just The Same
Mi Dieu perdona...
Mi Dieu perdona...
Mi Dieu perdona
I woke up in the early morning heard you call my name
I ran down the hallway
found the roses in the vase
Saw the light behind the door
full of Angels in the air
on wings I flew to the water’s edge
and found you resting there
What were you dreaming
sweet child of dear life?
Where have you flown my darling?
where did you call my name?
On the other side of daylight
I’m crying
“I’ll still love you just the same”
I covered your mouth
as your soul breathed out
and parted on the wind
broken hearted I could not bear
to see a new day dawn again
“The rock divides the river
into streams that rush apart
They will join again forever
in the sea’s unbroken heart”(*)
What were you dreaming
sweet child of dear life?
Where have you flown my darling...
“I’ll still love you just the same...”
(*)”Fair Ladies at A Game of Poem Cards” by Monzaemon Chikamatsu
Nick Binkley 04:05
My Mind's Eye II
Nick Binkley 06:39

#4 on Top 50 Country Song Chart Roots Music Report (RMR) – September 9, 2014

1 review for 100 PARTS OF HEART

  1. Jonathan WIdran

    Penned in the wake of 9/11 and the sudden passing of his beloved wife in 2003…we uncover the unexpected beauty that emerges through the grief process and the ability to process loss without losing hope

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